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AXOR MACK® DRIVE+POWER - Ultra compact brushless servo drives
The MACK system is based on a linked, modular design, with no fixed mechanical connection between the modules. All connections are over link-cables. EMC line filter, in-rush and regen circuits are all provided on the MACK POWER module and shared by the connected MACK DRIVE units.
MACK DRIVE configurations
- 2, 4, 6 and 8 Amp ratings on the 300V DC bus
- 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 5 and 7 Amp rating on the 600V DC bus
Rating table for the MKD 300 and MKD 600 drive modules and the MKP 300 M, MKP 300 T and MKP 600 T power units
MACK POWER configurations
- Single-phase 230Vac, 2500W
- 3-phase 230Vac, 4500W
- 3-phase 400Vac, 4500W
Standard Features
- Several DRIVES powered by one POWER unit
- EMC line filter, in-rush and regen circuits on-board
- USB single cable access for setting and monitoring all drives
- Single, hybrid, cable for motor connection
- Speeder-One software interface
- Optical isolation between power stage and signals
- Operating frequency 8kHz
- Current loop bandwidth 2kHz
- Velocity loop bandwidth 200Hz
- Differential analogue input
- Serial encoder feedback
- Pulse and Direction control mode
- CANbus
- EtherCAT
- Absolute multi-turn encoder feedback
- ComCoder feedback (encoder with commutation tracks)
- Motor holding brake control
- STO Safe Torque Off, safety function
- Extended I/O
- Emmulated Encoder Output
- Wood working machines
- Machine tools
- Transfer machines
- Printing Machines
- Textile Machines
- Coding Machines
- Conveyors
- Packaging Machines
- Sewing Machines
- Jewellery Machines
- Actuators
- Door operators
- Antenna positioning
- CNC controlled axis
- Battery operated Equipment
- Upgrade replacement for stepper systems
The MACK system is complemented with a range of brushless servomotors from 1 to 11Nm. The motors feature AXOR’s proprietary MACK serial encoder enabling the connection of motor and drive via a single, hybrid cable.